It was decided that instead of (or maybe as well as) travelling books we would do communal geodes at Seata. Alex has asked those of us who have done them at “In the stitch zone” to take them to tomorrow’s meeting to give the rest of the group some ideas of possibilities.

I’d finished mine ages ago, some time soon after I last blogged about it way back in March, Continuing with my geode sampler. It had just needed more beads, the row of Bullion knots finishing and a row of stem(?) stitch, apart from framing / finishing off the back. I’d been reluctant to cut off the excess silk fabric, it will come in for something else! But also I’d decided the best way of mounting it was to take it out of the hoop and stretch it over a circle of mount board, using a row of running stitches to pull it up tidily and evenly. Even this was done ages ago. But strangely there are no photos at all, which I have only just realised, looking back to want to use them here. Too many other projects!

I did take photos of how I’ve done a slightly smaller piece of mount board, covered in white cotton to hide the gathers on the silk. I’ve used a synthetic thread doubled with a good knot at the end to have something to pull against.

This is my first attempt ….

…….. it’s slightly too small, and the stitches were too close to the edge, and the mount board wanted to pop out and …….

……. you could still see the gathers and some of the gathering stitches on the back of the silk.

On my second attempt I cut the mount board a little bigger, and did the stitches a little further away making it much easier to gather up evenly. It’s the same principle as putting in a sleeve in dress-making.

The back looks completely smooth and flat.

I ladder stitched it to the geode, which holds it in place nicely.

A flat poster-hook on the back, and it was ready to hang. Why, oh why do I procrastinate?